Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Earthworm dissection

Earthworms are a part of the Annelida phylum, and the Lumbricidae family. Earthworms live in the soil, and because soil is so abundant around the world, they can be found pretty much anywhere. Earthworms get their nutrition from decaying things, animal feces, or decomposing animals in the soil. Worms do not breathe through lungs, and instead it absorbs oxygen from its skin. Then, oxygen is dissolved into the bloodstream so that the worm can function and survive.
One fun fact about them is that earthworms are both female and male because one earthworm produces sperm and eggs.

1.Crop: Food is stored here for the earthworm
2. Gizzard: Food is crushed here after moving from the crop using stones.
3.Pseudohearts: Keep the blood flowing throughout the body.
4. Esophagus: Connection to crop helps move food for digestion
1. Anus: Where the digested waste comes out from
2. Mouth: Entrance for food
3. Setae: Help anchor worm when moving in soil
Incision guide

Video link


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