Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Clam dissection

Clams are a part of the Mollusca phylum and the Animalia kingdom. Different species can be found in both salt and freshwater environments. They can often be found buried in the sand or in the mud. Clams eat plankton in order to gain energy and survive. They are able to eat them by pumping water containing the plankton through their gills. Clams breathe through their gills just like fish do. One fun fact about clams is that they do not have eyes, ears, or a nose!

Foot: Used to dig down into the sand and draw nourishment.
Gonad: Produce gametes
Gills: Help to exchange gases and provide air.
Posterior Adductor: Pulls foot back in shell

Umbo: Oldest part of clam shell, it’s a bump on the shell
Mantle: Tissue that lines valves
Growth Ring: Can help determine age of clam

Incision guide

Video link 

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