Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Frog dissection


Frogs are a part of the Amphibia family, so they live on land but reproduce in the water. They can be found on all of the continents besides Antarctica, because the living conditions are too harsh for them to survive. There are 90 species of frogs in the US today. Frogs eat insects such as moths, flies, dragonflies, and mosquitoes. It's food is swallowed through the esophagus and then is passed through the digestive tract and the digestive glands. From there it goes through the stomach and is passed through the small intestine where it can digest its food. Frogs breathe through their nostrils and larynx, which are a part of the respiratory system. They have 2 lungs which have capillaries that allow materials to pass in and out of the body. One fun fact about frogs is that they are able to jump further than 20 times the length of their body.



1.Lungs: Lungs help exchange gasses and filter the air to allow the frog to breathe on land.
2.Stomach: Helps to digest food (mechanical and chemical digestion).
3.Intestines: Final digestion and absorption of nutrients
4.Gallbladder: Produces bile
5. Vomer teeth: Help the frog chew
1.Eyes: help the frog to see above the water and in the water
2. Nictitating membrane: helps to moisten the eye while allowing the frog to see.
3.Tympanum: Transmits sound into inner ear
Incision guide

Link to dissection video 


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