Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Cray fish dissection

Crayfish are freshwater crustaceans that live in streams, rivers, and lakes. While they can be found practically everywhere in the world with these conditions, crayfish are most abundant in the United States/ North America. Crayfish eat decaying plants, dead fish or insects, and living plants. Like fish, crayfish have gills that they breathe through in order to obtain oxygen that is then dissolved into their bloodstream. One fun fact is that there are many different unique colors of crayfish that can be found such as bright blue, green, and orange.

Green Gland: Digestive enzyme that produced digestive glands
Flexor Muscles: Help move the body of the crayfish and maintain coordination in water
Anterior Gastric Muscle: Help the stomach in digestion

Cheliped: Used for defense and to capture prey
Walking legs: help the crayfish move from one location to another
Swimmerets: Abdominal appendage that help move water
Antennae: Senses taste and touch
Incision guide

Video link

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